Brushes, Nail Clippers & other Kitten Grooming Supply

What does my kitten need? If you look online you´ll find thousands of products designed for young and adult cats, but most of them are more of a nice to have and not a necessity. Here is a quick overview of what you´ll need.

Normally cats do not need to have their fur constantly brushed or groomed, because they do that themselves. Kitten begin at a relatively early stage to clean their coat by licking it. This is, under normal circumstances, fully sufficient. However, there are a few situations in which helping your kitten is sensible.

If your kitten sheds a lot, then investing in a brush is a good idea. This holds also true if you have a pet with long fur that gets easily tangled up or felted. Thirdly, if your kitten is an outdoor cat, has a lot of debris or dirt caught in its fur and fails to clean itself properly, you should use a brush. There are several types of brushes available for kittens, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. 

Slicker brushes are great for removing mats and tangles, and can be used on most cats. They have a flat surface of short, stiff bristles that are great for getting through the fur and removing knots. The downside is that they can be uncomfortable for cats, so you need to use a light touch. Cost-wise, these brushes are generally quite affordable. 

Pin brushes are also good for removing tangles, but are gentler on cats’ skin. They have metal pins with rounded tips, which are less likely to irritate your kitten’s skin. They can be more expensive than slicker brushes, though. 

Grooming gloves are a great way to brush and massage your kitten at the same time. They have a soft rubber surface that helps to loosen dirt and debris while also giving your cat a soothing massage. They can be a bit more expensive than other brushes, but they’re worth the investment. 

Finally, there are bristle brushes, which are great for cats that shed a lot. The bristles are designed to capture loose fur and distribute natural oils through their coat. These brushes can be a bit more expensive than the other types, but they’re worth it for cats that shed a lot. 

Do kittens like to be brushed? As always, this depends on the individual animal as cats can be very peculiar. Some kittens will enjoy it, others will endure it, a few will run or fight tooth and nail to not be brushed. The best option is to get your kitten used to the touch of a brush as early as possible. You don´t actually have to brush it, just simply touch its fur a couple of times. If the kitten feels uncomfortable, don´t force it to anything but encourage a positive reaction by rewarding it with a treat every time you touch it with the brush.

For more information, visit our page on how to detect health issues regardings your kitten´s fur and skin.

Does my kitten need a bath?

Normally not. Cats clean themselves and if at all might need a bit of help with entangled fur or dirt in their coat. This can be done with a brush for kittens. They only need a bath if they are very dirty or having something sticking in their hair. Be aware that almost all of them hate taking a bath. If you do need to bathe your kitten, only use shampoo specifically designed for kittens. Do not use shampoo made for people. Use a sink or small tube or the like. Use warm (not hot) water. Avoid the kitten´s face, only wet it´s body. You can use a cup to rinse if you don´t have a shower or faucet or the like at hand or if this is too harsh. Make sure to thoroughly rinse out any shampoo and to dry your kitten well.

Nail clippers for kittens - do I need them?

Trimming a cat's claws is important for several reasons. Firstly, it prevents the cat from scratching and damaging furniture, carpets, and other items in the home. Secondly, it can also help keep the cat's claws in good condition, preventing them from becoming ingrown or overgrown. Lastly, it can also help reduce the risk of the cat scratching or injuring themselves or others. You should begin trimming your kitten's claws when they are around 8 to 10 weeks old

Be aware that almost all cat hate having their nails clipped. Cats have sensitive paws, and the sensation of having their nails clipped can be uncomfortable, even painful, to them. Additionally, the sound of the clippers may startle them and cause them to become anxious. So if you need to trim their nails, be patient, gentle and understanding, even when they hiss at you or the like. Here are some steps to help make the process go as smoothly as possible: 

If your kitten fights fiercely against having its nails trimmed or wriggles a lot, there are some helpers you could use. A cat hammock is a kind of harness with holes for the animal´s legs. It is also called a grooming sling, grooming bag, grooming hammock, or grooming helper, which is hung up. The kitten will then be off the ground and unable to wriggle, scratch or run away. Get your kitten used to it as early as possible without actually using the equipment to clip its nails. 

Use a nail clipper or nail trimmer specifically designed for cats. Only clip the small, sharp tip of its nails. If uncertain, ask your vet to show your how much you can trim. Remember to give your kitten a treat whenever it has endured the procedure of getting its nails trimmed.